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Weekly Report: 12/4/2023 - 12/8/2023

Hi Radiance Learning Parents!


The holiday season is in full swing! This week we celebrated the start of Hanukkah by decorating, and of course eating, cookies shaped like such things as dreidels and menorahs. Everyone also created more holiday crafts such as Rudolph hats, cotton ball snowmen, paper dreidels, and snowflakes!


Regarding academics, our 1st and KG students especially prepared for their upcoming gifted tests, PreK kids made rainclouds and windmills, and preschoolers tested more objects for how well they float and also improved their puzzle-making skills. In chess, students reviewed what they’ve learned so far and spent a good amount of time competing against each other.


A few announcements and reminders:

Please read through everything carefully and add dates to your personal calendars.


  1. Monthly teacher e-mails were sent out this morning. As always, please be sure to carefully read through them as our teachers take great care and thought to compose them.


  1. Next week we will be having a Spirit Week! Here are the different themes/dress-up ideas for each day:

  2. Monday, 12/11: Red and Green Day

  3. Tuesday: Ugly/funny Holiday Sweater Day

  4. Wednesday: Flannel Day

  5. Thursday: Holiday Character/costume Day (ideas: the Grinch, Santa, elf, reindeer, snowman, holiday lights, bells, holly, etc.)

  6. Friday: Cozy up by the Fire Day (wear PJ’s and we’ll have hot cocoa!)

  7.  Don’t forget to visit our social media pages to view photos and videos from the week.

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